I am so fortunate that my yearly US visit coincides with the Black Sheep Gathering. So much beautiful fiber under one roof! I wanted to take it all home with me, but I managed to limit myself to some needle felting accessories and some gorgeous merino wool,/Tibetan yak/ silk for spinning:
My daughter recently got into needle felting and I promised to take her to Black Sheep this year. It has been something that she has really been looking forward to. She brought her camera and snapped a lot of photos and admired a lot of wool. Surprisingly she was afraid of the sheep and her father had to carry her past them!
There were 2 big highlights of the day. One was getting to see the Fearless Leader of the Crochet Liberation Front and founder of Hookey, Laurie Wheeler (CrochetLibFront on Twitter)!
One of the generous vendors gave my daughter some roving, and Laurie taught her how to spin it with her fingers. Thanks to Laurie's encouragement, she has asked me for her own drop spindle!
The other big highlight of the day was getting to meet the talented designer, Laurinda Reddig, (ReCrochetions on Twitter). It was amazing being able to talk about crochet design all afternoon. I am already looking forward to next year!