Sunday, May 29, 2016

Working With Fiber: Modern Weaving!

Lately I am getting lots of opportunities to work with fiber in new ways! Over the years I have collected all kinds of beautiful yarns, roving, and fibers.

I am the project manager for the Weaving Stories project for the Sadu House in Kuwait in honor of Kuwait being chosen the Islamic Cultural Capital of 2016. We are involving the community in creating a panoramic woven wall, inspired by the traditional Bedouin tent divider. This wall will celebrate the traditions and culture of Kuwait. It will be made up of pieces created by artists and makers in Kuwait and abroad in the medium of their choice. 

We are holding workshops to get people inspired to work with their hands and give them the skills they need to start creating, as well as to encourage them to make pieces for the Weaving Stories installation. 

Consulting with us, is Lesli Robertson, an artist and professor of textiles from Texas. She has been visiting us the past two weeks and she taught a wonderful workshop on the art of modern weaving, called Woven Paintings. Participants were given looms to use and take home with them, so they can continue to weave! Most of the participants were new to weaving, and everyone created their own mini work of art! Here is a nice article that was written by the Kuwait Times about the workshop.

I wove my first piece, and really enjoyed it so much! I was able to combine my love for fibers, and my embroidery, and freeform crochet experience into this piece. As soon as I finished it, I was ready to start another! It is in progress and will definitely include crochet. The posibilities are endless, and I think that weaving could be a really fun thing to do while traveling! You can use a mix of fibers, colors, and textures, and it is very relaxing. It is really like painting with yarn!

Stay tuned for my crochet infused weavings!


  1. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. :)
